The Love Saga – Nenu Chusina Oka Prema Kavyam !!!

The Love Saga – Nenu chusina oka Prema Kavyam !!!

When I am completely convinced and almost decided  that there is no such thing as ‘true love’ exists in this hypocratic,  opportunistic, cunning and crooked human race. To my astonishment, I came across these two wonderful people, who proved that there is still something called ‘true love’ exists on this world.

I wanted to tell this story since so many days, but kept it to my heart for some reason. But now I decided to tell this story in bits and pieces, if not entire.

Through my personal experiences and the people I came across, the stories I heard from my friends and things I got to know from known people made me fully convinced that there is no such thing as True love in this world(or may be in humans). Today’s love is… just an opportunity to enjoy for some people, a compulsion for some,  gifts for some and sex for some people… many reasons as one can find to get into love, but except true love.

And one fine day I got to see these two wonderful people from very close. They were my teammates at my office. Initially I never gave any importance to it, though I got to know that they are in love ( somehow I stopped believing in it). But day by day they made me believe in true love again with their commitment, behavior, passion and love for each other. I never cared so much about it initially, but gradually when I got to see some moments and after spending some time together, I started believing in their commitment. I did not do anything intentional, or favored in any special way to help them at the cost of other teammates, but I didn’t also became an hindrance for their love in any way.

Ok, I am hitting here and there till now leaving the main point. Let me back on the point.

I am not sure whether to disclose the names of these people. I do not want to create any kind of trouble for them by any means, so I am keeping their names with me as of now. But will tell few things.

Especially , I wanna talk about this guy. I have seen a true passion and TRUE commitment in him for his girl. He does so many things (which might look simple to many) for his girl, and try to keep her happy always. He takes care of that girl as she is a little kid. I feel amazing when I see all those things he does for her (I never told them about this). I donno whether that girl realizes completely the worth of the guy or the things that he does for her, but honestly…it’s this guy who made me re-believe in TRUE love( Hey girlie,..please don’t get angry on me for saying this). And it’s not only the guy, this girl also does so many cutest things for that guy.

People say so many things….so many good things and talk being nice and honest and talk every good(crap) to market themselves as very good human beings. But most of them…99% of the people ( there’s no mathematic calculation to arrive at this figure) are opportunistic, selfish and ugly people. People talk good till the time they get an opportunity to do bad, and when they do it, they come with a nice and popular excuse as “ we cannot survive in this world if can’t do this”. They put the blame on others and get away nicely. I say these people are Cowards!!!. Some people talk and do good things ( rather won’t do bad things) cause of fear, but not cause of they are good. People who might look good  and talk nice things around us are may not really be good. It’s just that they did not get an opportunity or they are afraid of something to do the things that they actually want to do. But they really are ugliest people.

So the whole point here is….This guy who I was talking about..…always try to keep his commitment whole heartedly, though het get many opportunities, though he get many chances. As far as I seen, He never does anything intentionally that may cause pain to the girl. Yes, they also fight lots of times and do all those silly and nonsense things as everyone does…but still above all of them…the passion they have for each, their commitment for each other, the unknown language I could see when they look into each other’s eye…the shyness of the guy when he talk  about her, the love I see in the eye’s of the girl when she complaints me about the guy about a silly fight they had… when I saw the feelings of the guy when he had to go away from her…


Things I can share now

Few things which I cannot share now


It’s all divine.

A spell bound love story…which I witnessed from so close.

Guys… thanks for being part of my life. May God keep you together always and prosper your life with loads of happiness, happiness and happiness only.

**You may become the second bestest and happiest couple on this earth. Go for it.

***Don’t ask who is first!!!


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