Degrading Morale Values

Recently there had been some acid attacks on two girls and the attackers were killed in a encounter(which was obviously faked). The whole incident was very disturbing.

Did we do the right thing by shooting the attackers??? Is it the right solution?? Did we eliminate the  root cause of the problem!!??? Can we assure that these kind of things won’t happen again?? Where are we living?? Under the TALIBAN rule!!??

No, No way….We just overreacted without even trying to find out the actual root cause of the problem. Whose fault was it?? Who are the
defaulters?? is it the guys, girls, their parents, or police??

India has always been known for it’s great culture, values, human relations, traditions and family system.

Today, the world has indeed become small… we can reach anywhere, any time. There is an exchange of culture is happening among different cultures. It is always appreciable if it is the ‘good’ that we share and adapt out of any culture. Unfortunately it is always that we get attracted to and catch the ‘bad’ very fast.

Infact, no system is ‘bad’. Every system evaluates with good values.It is we, the people, who err and hence defame the system. People very often say that “we are getting attracted to the western culture and are forgetting values and beliefs in our own system”…

I don’t think it’s true.

Instead, the unfortunate truth is that we are getting attracted and emulating the bad part of other cultures, while those people belonging to other cultures are admiring and adapting the ‘good’ part of our culture!!

Today’s generation have so many options to get  information, knowledge, entertainment. We have the TV, books, Movies, Cell phones and Internet. All these things have been invented for a good cause, but these facilities are being misused and manipulated by some people.

Today’s generation is being manipulated and falling a prey to some of these privileged facilities of this century. We should make sure that these systems are being used for the right cause. Who’s responsibility is this? Is it of the individuals, parents’ or the Government’s, Who’ll keep a close watch on this?? Though we make a hundred thousand laws to prevent the misuse of this facilities, people always commit mistakes!

Now coming to the acid attacks that happened recently…

 Boys and girls have been interacting much more than ever before. They have been studying together, working together, which is undoubtedly a right thing. But bad part of it is…. Guys and girls are developing some unacceptable relations out of these opportunities. They do anything and EVERYTHING in the name of friendship!! Unfortunately the term “FRIENDSHIP” is being misused and abused. Parents are also ignoring such things all in the name of being “Broad-minded” and “open”!! Over a period of time these relations are taking a violent mode and things like these acid attacks are happening. So many such incidents are going unnoticed as they are not so fatal. But such things are definitely creating so many problems in their personal lives. There is a huge outcry… we hold debates on popular news channels, stage dharna’s to say the most popular and sympathetic saying “stop violence against woman”. Would this stop such incidents in future.

These incidents occurred not because of any one incident, they have occurred and evaluated out of over a period of time and can’t stopped by killing defauleters like that. As the presinet of Loksatta party Mr Jayaprkash Narayan rightly said we’ll regret later for what we are doing now. We are creating an unacceptable culture rather than providing a solution.

We do not have to point at a ‘boy’ or ‘girl’. Most of the times there will be mistakes from both sides. I have personally seen girls(even
married women) flirting and doing things of all sorts with boys. The most unfortunate thing was that they were doing it with more than one guy at one point of time, which ultimately led to some unexpected and unfortunate incidents. Everyone of those involved have had to suffer because of the resulting incidents. College campuses, hostels and working places are becoming platforms for such things, where the people have full access to do such things. Movies and TV shows are only helping influence their behaviour.

I am not trying to point out girls only here. My point here is that mistakes are happening from both sides. Parents should keep a close
watch on such relations and strictly warn them whenever they feel that their kids are crossing that thin safety line between friendship and such unacceptable relations.

I read a question and answer column in a news paper recently. One guy was asking a question “Is it not the responsibility of parents to ask their children when they spend most of their time on the phone”?.  He asked this question pointing out girls, but I am more surprised at the editor’s answer..He said, “why should we question girls, why should we stop them spending unusual time on cell phones and chatting”. I felt very sad reading that answer, it’s not like that we should not allow them to talk or chat, yes definitely parents should be strict with children(both girls and boys) when they are spending more time on ‘cell phone’ and ‘chatting’. Should not parents ask their kids when they are going out for late night parties!!?? or should return a blind eye to it all in the name of ‘freedom’. These things will surely have adverse consequences on all of us…but it might be too late by then!

I think it is the responsibility of the individuals, parents, police, law and Governments to stop and prevent such incidents to reccur, but that would not mean killing people in fake encounters!

Let’s wake up and try evaluate a utopia, but not a Taliban rule!!