The Love Saga – Nenu Chusina Oka Prema Kavyam !!!

The Love Saga – Nenu chusina oka Prema Kavyam !!!

When I am completely convinced and almost decided  that there is no such thing as ‘true love’ exists in this hypocratic,  opportunistic, cunning and crooked human race. To my astonishment, I came across these two wonderful people, who proved that there is still something called ‘true love’ exists on this world.

I wanted to tell this story since so many days, but kept it to my heart for some reason. But now I decided to tell this story in bits and pieces, if not entire.

Through my personal experiences and the people I came across, the stories I heard from my friends and things I got to know from known people made me fully convinced that there is no such thing as True love in this world(or may be in humans). Today’s love is… just an opportunity to enjoy for some people, a compulsion for some,  gifts for some and sex for some people… many reasons as one can find to get into love, but except true love.

And one fine day I got to see these two wonderful people from very close. They were my teammates at my office. Initially I never gave any importance to it, though I got to know that they are in love ( somehow I stopped believing in it). But day by day they made me believe in true love again with their commitment, behavior, passion and love for each other. I never cared so much about it initially, but gradually when I got to see some moments and after spending some time together, I started believing in their commitment. I did not do anything intentional, or favored in any special way to help them at the cost of other teammates, but I didn’t also became an hindrance for their love in any way.

Ok, I am hitting here and there till now leaving the main point. Let me back on the point.

I am not sure whether to disclose the names of these people. I do not want to create any kind of trouble for them by any means, so I am keeping their names with me as of now. But will tell few things.

Especially , I wanna talk about this guy. I have seen a true passion and TRUE commitment in him for his girl. He does so many things (which might look simple to many) for his girl, and try to keep her happy always. He takes care of that girl as she is a little kid. I feel amazing when I see all those things he does for her (I never told them about this). I donno whether that girl realizes completely the worth of the guy or the things that he does for her, but honestly…it’s this guy who made me re-believe in TRUE love( Hey girlie,..please don’t get angry on me for saying this). And it’s not only the guy, this girl also does so many cutest things for that guy.

People say so many things….so many good things and talk being nice and honest and talk every good(crap) to market themselves as very good human beings. But most of them…99% of the people ( there’s no mathematic calculation to arrive at this figure) are opportunistic, selfish and ugly people. People talk good till the time they get an opportunity to do bad, and when they do it, they come with a nice and popular excuse as “ we cannot survive in this world if can’t do this”. They put the blame on others and get away nicely. I say these people are Cowards!!!. Some people talk and do good things ( rather won’t do bad things) cause of fear, but not cause of they are good. People who might look good  and talk nice things around us are may not really be good. It’s just that they did not get an opportunity or they are afraid of something to do the things that they actually want to do. But they really are ugliest people.

So the whole point here is….This guy who I was talking about..…always try to keep his commitment whole heartedly, though het get many opportunities, though he get many chances. As far as I seen, He never does anything intentionally that may cause pain to the girl. Yes, they also fight lots of times and do all those silly and nonsense things as everyone does…but still above all of them…the passion they have for each, their commitment for each other, the unknown language I could see when they look into each other’s eye…the shyness of the guy when he talk  about her, the love I see in the eye’s of the girl when she complaints me about the guy about a silly fight they had… when I saw the feelings of the guy when he had to go away from her…


Things I can share now

Few things which I cannot share now


It’s all divine.

A spell bound love story…which I witnessed from so close.

Guys… thanks for being part of my life. May God keep you together always and prosper your life with loads of happiness, happiness and happiness only.

**You may become the second bestest and happiest couple on this earth. Go for it.

***Don’t ask who is first!!!


My Upcoming Posts

My Upcoming Posts

Mahatma Gandhi – The True Meaning Of Peace

Sachin Tendulkar – The God of Cricket

Intellectual Mafia!!!

Myth vs Truth

Tax Computation

Why Humanity Have Boundaries ???

India… Still Believes in Autocracy!!!

The Love Saga…Nenu Chusina Oka Prema Kavyam!!!

Corruption In India and How to Eliminate It!!!

Why We Hate Politics?

The Common people Who Involves In Ugliest Politics!!!

Indian Mythology

APJ Abdul Kalam – People’s choice as President of India

Indian Army – The Most Inspirational People I Have Ever Met

Indian Police – The Right and Wrong Side

Virus Religion??

Honey in Her Mouth,…Knives in Her Heart

Woman is Worshiped as Goddess in India

The ugly truth behind so called educated culture!!!!!

The People You Should Not Ever Believe!!!!!


Why SHE always  Loves A Benz and a BMW???

Chiks Chose Money Over Love!!!

The Betrayer !!!

The Leaders I have Seen in My Life

Raja Sekhar Reddy – The True Leader

NT Rama Rao – The Leader Who Taught What sovereignty Is

Father Is A Preacher…Daughter is Cheater !!!!!

Degrading Morale Values !!!

India – A Continent Within

My Favourite Movie Idols – Pawan kalyan and Salman Khan

Peace and War

Love and Hate

Naa Telangana Koti Ratanala Veena

Invisible Invaders !!!

Gujarat & Himachal Pradesh Assembly Election 2012 Results

Gujarat Assembly Election 2012 Results

Alliance        Won          Change (compared to 2007)

BJP                 115             -2
Congress        61               +2
GPP                 2                +2    
Others            4                 -2

Total              182/182

Vote Share

Alliance       VoteShare(%)          Change % (compared to 2007)

BJP                 48                               -1
Congress        40                                0
GPP                4                                  +4    
Others            8                                  -3

Himachal Pradesh Assembly Election 2012 Results

Alliance       Won            Change (compared to 2007)

Congress      36                +13
BJP               26                -15
Others          6                  +2

Total            68/68

Vote Share

Alliance       VoteShare(%)        Change % (compared to 2007)

Congress       43                              +5
BJP                39                               -5
Others           18                                0


Exit Poll Results : Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh Assembly Elections 2012

Gujarat Exit poll results – Assembly Elections 2012

According to the four exit poll results conducted by various private channels, BJP is expected to bag 118-140 seats in Gujarat while Congress estimated tally ranges between 40-58 in 182-member house.

News 24-Chanakya Exit poll results

BJP              : 140
Congress     : 40
GPP             : 0
Others         : 2

ABP News-Nielsen exit poll results

BJP              : 126
Congress     : 50
GPP             : 2
Others         : 4

Cvoter exit poll results

BJP              : 120
Congress     : 58
GPP             : 2
Others         : 2

Aaj Tak-ORG exit poll results

BJP              : 118-128
Congress     : 50-56
GPP             : 1-2
Others         : 4-6

Himachal Pradesh Exit poll results – Assembly Elections 2012

According to the three exit poll results, there is extremely close race in Himachal Pradesh. Post poll surveys predicted that Congress and the BJP winning between 29 and 35 seats in a 68-member house.

CNN-IBN-CSDS post-poll survey

Congress     : 29-35
BJP              : 29-35
Others         : 2-6

CVoter Exit poll results

Congress     : 34
BJP              : 31
Others         : 3

News24-Chanakya Exit Poll

Congress    : 40
BJP             : 23
Others        : 5

90% of Indians are ‘idiots’….!!!!!

An opinion expressed by Justice  Markandey Katju, Press Council of India (PCI) chairperson. ( Press Trust of India | December 08, 2012 23:55 IST ).

Justice Markandey Katju is the Chairman, Press Council of India. He was formerly a Judge of the Supreme Court of India.

At least 90 percent of Indians are “idiots” who can easily be misled by mischievous elements in the name of religion, Press Council of India (PCI) chairperson Justice Markandey Katju claimed.

“I say ninety percent of Indians are idiots. You people don’t have brains in your heads….It is so easy to take you for a ride,” he said at a seminar in the capital.

He said that a communal riot could be incited in Delhi for as meagre an amount as Rs. 2000. He said that all somebody has to do is make a mischievous gesture of disrespect to a place of worship and people start fighting each other.

“You mad people will start fighting amongst yourself not realising that some agent provocateur is behind this,” he said.

Justice Katju said that before 1857 there was no communalism in the country but the situation is different now. “Today 80 percent Hindus are communal and 80 percent Muslims are communal. This is the harsh truth, bitter truth that I am telling you. How is it that in 150 years you have gone backwards instead of moving forward because the English kept injecting poison,” Justice Katju said.

“The policy that emanated from London after the mutiny in 1857 that there is only one way to control this country that is to make Hindus and Muslims fight each other,” he said.

He said that then there was a propaganda that Hindi was the language of Hindus and Urdu of Muslims. “Our ancestors also studied Urdu, but it is so easy to fool you. You are idiots, so how difficult is it to make an idiot out of you,” he said.

Mr Katju said that he was saying these harsh things to make Indians, whom he loved to understand the whole game and not remain fools.


Justice Katzu has explained in detail about his comments in  a later statement.

1. I have been misquoted in the press reports, but it is true that I have said that 90% Indians (not all) are fools. My intention in saying so was not to hurt anyone but to awaken people to the realities, that is, the widespread casteism, communalism, superstitions, and other backward traits in the mindset of a large section of our people which is blocking our progress and keeping us poor.

2. The figure 90% is not a mathematical figure, it simply means that in my opinion a large proportion of Indians (and again I repeat, not all) are fools.

3. I never named you, nor any community, caste, or sect, and I never said that you are in the category of 90%. Hence I do not see how you are defamed.

4. I made this comment not to humiliate or harm anyone but because I love the Indian people, they are my people, and I wish them to prosper and have decent lives, which is only possible if the Indian masses develop the scientific outlook and scientific temper and give up casteism, communalism, superstitions and other mental attitudes which a large part (not all) of them presently suffer from. I wish to see India in the front ranks of the advanced industrialized nations of the world, with our people having a high standard of living, instead of suffering from the present evils of massive poverty, unemployment, price rise, corruption, farmer’s suicides, child malnutrition, absence of health care and good education, casteism etc. So you see I made that statement not to harm the Indian people, whom I love, but to benefit them. The truth is sometimes bitter, but sometimes bitter medicine has to be given to an ailing person.

Having said this, I may proceed to give a more elaborate explanation.

I wish to first of all clarify that I do not regard Indians as inherently stupid or foolish. It is only at present that large parts of our people are foolish. But there was a time when we were leading the whole world in science and technology, and India was perhaps the most prosperous country in the world. It is now that we are having bad times, but we had a glorious past and shall have a glorious future too, but for that we have to get rid of casteism, communalism, superstitions and other backward traits in the mentality of a large part of our people (because of which I call them fools).

India’s Past

With the aid of science we had built mighty civilizations thousands of years ago when most people in Europe( except in Greece and Rome) were living in forests. We had made outstanding scientific discoveries e.g. decimal system in mathematics, plastic surgery in medicine, etc (see in this connection my article ‘Sanskrit as a Language of Science on my blog and on the website However, we subsequently took to the unscientific path of superstitions and empty rituals, which has led us to disaster. The way out of the present morass is to go back again to the path shown by our scientific ancestors, the path of Aryabhatta and Brahmagupta, Sushrut and Charak, Panini and Patanjali, Ramanujan and Raman.

It is not necessary to mention here all the great achievements of our ancestors, but I may just mention a few.

1. The decimal system in mathematics was the most remarkable and revolutionary invention in the past, and it was created by Indians. To understand its significance, one must know that the ancient Romans, who built a great civilization (The civilization of Caesar and Augustus), felt very uncomfortable with numbers above 1000. This was because they expressed their numbers in alphabets, I standing for 1, V for 5, X for 10, L for 50, C for 100, D for 500, and M for 1000. There was no single alphabet expressing a number above 1000. Hence to write 2000 an ancient Roman had to write MM, to write 3000 he had to write MMM, and to write 1 million he had to write M one thousand times, which would drive him crazy.

On the other hand, our ancestors discovered the number 0, and hence to write 1 million they had simply to put 6 zeros after 1.

2. Plastic surgery was invented by Sushrut 2000 years ago, whereas Europeans invented it only about 100 or 200 years back.

3. The English alphabets are all arranged haphazardly, there is no reason why D is followed by E, or E by F, or F by G, etc. On the other hand Panini in the first 14 sutras of his Ashtadhyayi arranged the alphabets in Sanskrit scientifically. Thus , the first sequence of 5 consonants (the  ka varga i.e. ka, kha, ga, gha, na ) are all sounds which emanate from the throat, the second sequence from the middle of the tongue, the third from the roof of the mouth, the fourth from the tip of the tongue, and the fifth from the lips. The second and fourth consonants in each sequence are aspirants in which the sound ‘ha’ is combined with the previous consonant e.g. ka+ha =kha.

4. 5000 years ago in the Indus Valley Civilization the system of town planning was created with straight streets, covered drains, water and sewage system, etc.

Before the coming of the British India was a prosperous country. Its share in world trade in 1700 was about 30%, which fell to 2% by the end of British rule and is still not more than 3%.

India’s Present

Today there is no doubt that India is a poor country. While there are some pockets of affluence, about 80% of our people are afflicted with poverty, unemployment and other evils, and one major cause of this is the mental backwardness of a large part of our people.

(though there are also brilliant people like the Indian scientists and engineers in Silicon Valley)  Consider the following:

1. When most of our people go to vote they cast their votes on the basis of caste or religion, not the merit of the candidate. What else is the meaning of vote banks? And this is exploited by some unscrupulous politicians who know how to manipulate and manage these vote banks. That is why many persons with criminal backgrounds get elected.

2. ‘Honour’ killings are common in many parts of the country. This is a barbaric practice, and shows how backward many of us still are.

3. Dowry deaths are common in India, and as a former Judge I can tell you that our courts have a large number of cases of young married women who are murdered in a barbaric manner by their in laws for not getting dowry e.g. by pouring petrol on them and setting them on fire.

4. Scheduled castes are still often treated inhumanly, and an example is the recent attack on dalits in Dharmapuri district in Tamil Nadu.

5. Female foeticide is common in many parts of India. Often when a male child is born the relatives are happy and distribute sweets, but when a female child is born often relatives get dejected. This is also a sign of backwardness among many of us.

6. Communalism, which was almost non-existent in 1857, is widespread in our society today. Muslims often face discrimination in getting jobs, houses on rent, etc, as the Justice Sachar Committee report has highlighted.  Muslims are often falsely implicated in bomb blasts and they have to spend years in jail though ultimately found innocent.

As I mentioned, upto 1857 communalism was almost non-existent in India. There were no doubt differences between Hindu and Muslims, but there was no enmity between them. In the Mutiny of 1857 Hindus and Muslims jointly fought against the British. After crushing the Mutiny the British decided that the only way to control India was divide and rule.

Consequently, the policy came from London to create hatred between Hindus and Muslims. The British Collector used to secretly call the Panditji and gave him money to speak against the Muslims, and similarly he gave money to the Maulvi Saheb to speak against Hindus. All communal riots began after 1857. The communal award in the Minto-Morley ‘Reforms’ of 1909 introduced separate electorates for Hindus and Muslims. Year after year, decade after decade, the communal poison was injected by the British into our body politic, and even after 1947 there are elements which continue this (see online ‘History in the Service of Imperialism’ and my article ‘What is India’ on my blog

Certain agent provocateurs take advantage of our backwardness to incite communal riots, and unfortunately many people fall prey to these evil designs and get emotionally carried away by communal propaganda and fight with each other.

5. Superstition is rampant in India. Most people believe in astrology, which is pure superstition and humbug. And it is not just the illiterates who believe in it, it is also most of the so called educated people in India. Many Ministers and Judges prefer to take oath of office at the ‘auspicious’ time.

A few years back it was announced that Lord Ganesh is drinking milk, and there was a rush of people to offer milk to Ganesh. Earlier, a ‘miracle’ chapati was circulating.

6. A large section of the media, taking advantage of the backwardness of a large section of our people, dishes out lives of filmstars, cricket, etc as if these are the real issues before the people, when the real issues are socio-economic.

As I said above, when I called most people(not all)  fools I did not wish to harm them, rather it was just the contrary. I want India to become a prosperous country, but this is possible only when the mindset of a large number of people changes, and their minds are rid of casteism, communalism, superstitions, and other backward ideas and they become scientific and modern.

By being modern I do not mean wearing a nice suit or a beautiful sari or skirt. By being modern I mean developing a modern mind, which means a rational mind, a scientific mind, and a questioning mind. As already stated above, at one time we led the whole world in science and technology, but today we are undoubtedly far behind the West and even China. How did this happen? Why were we left behind, why did we not have an Industrial Revolution like Europe? This is known as ‘Needham’s Question’ or ‘Needham’s Grand Question’, named after Prof. Joseph Needham of Cambridge University (1900-1995). It is high time Indians try to answer this question, instead of trying to evade the reality of the backwardness of most of us.

The worst thing in life is poverty, and 80% of our people are poor, which is largely because of the mental backwardness of most (not all) of us. To abolish poverty we need to spread the scientific outlook to every nook and corner of our country. It is only then that India will shine. And until that happens the vast majority of our people will continue to be taken for a ride.

Justice Markandey Katju

Mahatma Gandhi

This earth has witnessed many wars over centuries. There were many battles fought in the history since human existence on this earth, battles of various kinds for various reasons. There was a war for land, a fight for power, a battle for wealth, a scuffle for religion, a struggle for freedom. There were wars between nations, within a nation and among the nations. There were battles for freedom, for self governance. There were fights against corruption, against the slavery, against the cruel rules and rulers. History has witnessed every war and inscribed every event in it.

The methods and techniques used in a war varies depends upon many factors like the weapons available during that time, the people and their strengths and the leader’s. Some battles were fought face to face, army to army, there were guerrilla wars, marine warfare, air warfare, nuclear wars, bio warfare  and the arms and ammunition they use in a war can ranges from rocks, sticks, knives, swords, archery, guns, machine guns, tanks, guided and unguided missiles to an advanced nuclear bombs and viruses. They use horses, elephants, chariots, vehicles, tankers, marines, aircrafts and all the possible things that they can use to fight a war depends upon the method and technique they use.

The weapons, methods and techniques used in any war could be as many as the wars fought the world witnessed till now….but all of those are….. more or less violent.

A war seeks blood, no war ever fought without shedding the blood, the blood of your own people and the blood of your enemy’s. One can win or lose a war, but many of them have to shed the blood….. some less and some more.

Humans, perhaps all living hood which lives on this earth, air and water…all fight…..fight for their needs, their existence. All use their power to fight. And in this fight.…more powerful wins and less powerful lose.

Perhaps, for the first time in the history of human kind, one man choose a weapon of PEACE to fight a war….. a war for independence and freedom. He walked the path of peace to fight a battle of independence. The freedom from the clutches of the greedy and powerful invaders, to save his country people from slavery, for the sovereignty, self respect and for the pride of his own people.

He believed in peace, humanity, sovereignty, self respect, freedom and non-violence.  An ordinary gentle man fought a battle against the mighty fearsome opponent who was backed by a sophisticated army packed with advanced arms and ammunition.  The weapon he chose to fight them is very simple….PEACE and NON VIOLENCE.

He was just not a believer, but a true practitioner of non-violence. He did not believed in shedding blood, but he believed in living peacefully, with self respect and dignity.

There were people who opposed him because his method to fight  a war was unusual, impractical, never existed, requires loads of patience and an unlimited amount of time. All the reasons were very true and valid for the people who were opposing him. If you want to win a battle, you need a trained army, sophisticated weapons and a mercy less heart to kill the opponent. But he had none of them.

He went ahead with his simple, yet most difficult weapons of peace and non-violence and lead a nation from the front, he made the millions of people walk along with him, on the way of peace, a path of non violence. He choose a simple path, a path the world has never seen before. His self belief in PEACE and NON VIOLENCE inspired millions of people to walk along with him….against a fearsome force.

The enemy was powerful, mercy less, brutal, had advanced weapons and an humongous army. By then their forces were spread across the world, captured many nations under its clutches. But this lean, thin and  just an ordinary looking man fought with the mighty powerful army with his weapons of peace and non violence.

He asked his people to do very simple things. When an enemy hits on your face, do not hit him back, but show him another cheek of yours, so that he can slap you again…….again and again……till his cruelty gets out of him, till he feels ashamed of his cruelty, till he realizes the value of love, till he understand the divinity in living peacefully and letting others live in peace.

And at the end…..HE WON…..HE CONQUERED.

He won a battle of Independence, a struggle for self respect and self governance and freed his nation from the clutches on invaders. His victory was not against an army or a country, but against the cruelty, greed and the violence.

And he became Mahatma….. The Mahatma Gandhi. 

Mahatma Gandhi


Many people say that Gandhiji was not awarded a Nobel peace prize cause of more powerful British. They say the British rulers influenced the jury not to award him because it can work against them.

But I say….awarding the Mahatma Gandhi with any prize or award is insulting him. The Nobel prize is for normal people, for humans. But Mahatma Gandhi was not a human, he was a God, a God of PEACE, a God for PEACE . No award or prize can honour a God. The only way to honour him is….to follow in his footsteps.

In the history of human kind…perhaps Mahatma Gandhi is the only person who won a battle with the weapon of PEACE and NON-VIOLENCE.  The one man who re-wrote the history.


Bal Thackeray

Rajinikanth in Himalayas

Khairatabad Ganesh

Khairatabad Ganesh 2014

Khairatabad Ganesh_2014

Sri Kailasa Vishwarupa Maha Ganapati

Khairathabad Ganesh-2014

It’s been 60 years since Ganesh Chathurthi celebrations started in Khairathabad.  It’s going to be more grandiose as the height of the Khairathabad Ganesh would be 60 feet this year.

 Khairatabad Ganesh Utsav Mandap was founded by S Shankaraiah Mudiraj and the first Ganesh puja was performed here in the year 1954. Since then the height of the Ganesha has been increasing to mark the year of celebrations.

Khairatabad Ganesh 2013

Khairatabad Ganesh 2013 2013-Khairatabad-Ganesh-Idol
Idol description
Gonaaga Chaturmukha Mahaganapthi in centre
Vijaya Rama Pattabhishekham on the right side
Sree Bhuvaneswari Devi (Shakti Maatha) on the left side
Height – 59 feet ( as it is completed 59 years since Ganesh celebrations started in khairathbad)


Previous years Khairatabad Ganesh Idols


Few more Khairatabad “Ganesh” Idol pictures. Click on the picture to see it in it’s actual size.


Ganesh Chaturthi Celebrations in Khairatabad, Hyderabad

Ganesh Chaturthi Celebrations in Khairatabad, Hyderabad

Ganesh Chaturthi also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi, is the Hindu festival celebrated on the birthday (re-birth) of Lord Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati.

It is believed that Lord Ganesh bestows his presence on earth for all his devotees during this festival. It is the day Shiva declared his son Ganesha as superior to all the gods, barring Vishnu, Lakshmi, Shiva and Parvati. Ganesha is widely worshiped as the god of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune and traditionally invoked at the beginning of any new venture or at the start of travel.

The festival is observed in the Hindu calendar month of Bhaadrapada, starting on the shukla chaturthi (fourth day of the waxing moon). The date usually falls between 19 August and 20 September. The festival lasts for 10 or 12 days, ending on Anant Chaturdashi. This festival is observed in the lunar month of bhadrapada shukla paksha chathurthi madhyahana vyapini purvaviddha. If Chaturthi prevails on both days, the first day should be observed. Even if chaturthi prevails for the complete duration of madhyahana on the second day, if it prevails on the previous day’s madhyahana period even for one ghatika (24 minutes), the previous day should be observed.

While celebrated all over India, it is most elaborate in Maharashtra, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Orissa, Tamil Nadu and Chhattisgarh. Outside India, it is celebrated widely in Nepal and by Hindus in the United States, Canada, Mauritius, Singapore,Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Burma , Fiji and Trinidad & Tobago.

The largest Lord Ganesh Idol in the world is installed at the Khairatabad State Library during the Ganesh chaturthi festival and is immersed at Hussain sagar lake.

All the local people participate in the 11-day festival and thousands of people from many places, not only in and around Hyderabad but also throughout India, visit the Idol and get the blessings of the Lord Ganesh. On the 11th day, a big procession takes place and the idol is carried to the Hussain Sagar Lake. After immersing the idol, the festival ends.

The local people formed a committee, ‘Ganesh Utsav Committee, Khairtabad to maintain the proceedings during the festival days. The Singari’s family is dedicated in conducting of the Lord Ganesh festival since 1954. Many poor families survive by selling many products to the visitors.

the construction of the idol begins Three months prior to the festival day of Ganesh Chathurthi. Nearly 200 workers lead by an sculpturist works day and night for three months to construct the biggest idol which measures 50 to 60 feet in height and every year they come up with  a different Avatar of Ganesha. Year is not mentioned for few avatar’s for which exact year is not known.


Khairatabad Ganesh 2014

 Khairatabad Ganesh_2014

Sri Kailasa Vishwarupa Maha Ganapati

Khairathabad Ganesh-2014

It’s been 60 years since Ganesh Chathurthi celebrations started in Khairathabad.  It’s going to be more grandiose as the height of the Khairathabad Ganesh would be 60 feet this year.

 Khairatabad Ganesh Utsav Mandap was founded by S Shankaraiah Mudiraj and the first Ganesh puja was performed here in the year 1954. Since then the height of the Ganesha has been increasing to mark the year of celebrations.

Khairatabad Ganesh 2013


Khairatabad Ganesh 2013
khairatabad ganesh 2013
Idol description
Gonaaga Chaturmukha Mahaganapthi in centre
Vijaya Rama Pattabhishekham on the right side
Sree Bhuvaneswari Devi (Shakti Maatha) on the left side
Height – 59 feet ( as it is completed 59 years since Ganesh celebrations started in khairathbad)


Previous years Khairatabad Ganesh Idols


Click on the picture to have an enlarged view.